
A Constitutional Odyssey

Navigating through Philosophy and Fact behind the Law

"Law is reason, free from passion." - Aristotle

Hello, dear stranger! I am glad that you have found yourself here and hope that you will enjoy your stay.

As an aspiring law student, this is the place, where I will be documenting my experiences and reflections concerning the research and activities that I have done around the law. In addition to that, I will be writing about topics that are particularly intriguing to me on my blog.

If you would like to find out more about me, my diaries, and my blog, feel free to follow the links below!


I am not sponsored by any of the institutions mentioned. All of the content I will be posting consists of my genuine opinions on the products/websites I review.

Getting started: What is a Constitution and why do we need it?

Or do we even need it? History shows that we do. We, as the human race, always seem to crave order and a system. Why is that, and has it always been that way? Were we only able to become "civilized" through such a legal system? Is a Constitution the key to progress, or does it ultimately restrict us?

Those are some of the questions that I will be discussing in my first blog post: